
The Lies project is a school building located on Giudecca, Venice. The building is provocating and sited on the edge of the water lines. Investigations from the mistakes and myths projects are used to define the nature of the building. The idea of linking spaces, and hidden spaces along with conditions found in Venice are adapted into the school building. This results in a building where there are multiple entrances into a space, such as the passages in Venice which all appear to lead to one space. This can especially be seen with the multiple passages that lead to St. Marks Square. There are also spaces within spaces such as seating within walls where children can escape to, to have their own personal space. Classrooms are connected through different means of separations, which can convert into different elements such as seating tables etc.The building lies on stilts, which reflects the flooding in Venice, and creates a forest of hidden spaces underneath the building that can be used by the children. The roof results in a landscaped space due to the different spaces on the first floor. This landscape can further be used as a play area overlooking the lagoon. A platform leads over the waters, once again setting a relationship between the water and land. The platform slants into the water so that the rising and falling of the water becomes a special feature and allows for spaces to be hidden or revealed.



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